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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Don't Lose Your Head

I have a word of encouragement I want to share with Gods people.

The bible tells us that there will be a time of gross or great and heavy darkness in the world, the word darkness here refers to oppression, fear, confusion, uncertainty.

But at the same time the world is experiencing darkness, the children of God are walking in the light, and exceeding great light of the glory of God.

The word light here means, hope, confidence, wisdom, peace, joy, assurance, knowledge, blessings.

While the world is in a tail spin, and people are going crazy worrying about what the stock market is going to do, and who is going to be the next president, and whats going to happen to our health care and social security, and who’s the biggest nuclear threat.

The message for Gods people is: Don’t lose your head.

The scripture reference that I use for this is 2 kings 6:5

2Ki 6:5 But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.

basically what it is saying is: he lost his head, and the lesson that it holds for us is that he lost his head because he lost his connection.

Like never before this is the time to guard our connection, make sure that we are staying close to the Lord, don’t let anything into your life that strains your connection.

If your connection stays strong you’ll never have to worry about losing your head.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The River

Wow! We just came out of an awesome ministers training seminar, you know knowledge is power so if we are going to discover our purpose and move up to the next level of our destiny we have to have knowledge.
It was such an awesome time of impartation of wisdom from our apostle and other leaders in the body of Christ.
But to make it even better, the last service ended in a mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit.
The presence of God was so powerful nobody wanted to leave.
We had planned on a 15-20 minute praise and worship time, but 2 1/2 to 3 hrs later people were still worshiping God.
The prophetic anointing began to flow and God graciously extended the invitation for his people to get in the river.
God is doing something powerful in the earth, he is moving gloriously in Florida, but he is also moving anywhere he finds hungry hearts.
The River is here, the only question is: who is thirsty? who is dry? who is willing to admit ( I need the river?

As for me (I'm desperate for the River), the river will take us into the very middle of the plan and purpose of God for this last day harvest.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

You're Suppose To Win

We live in a day when most believers try to ignore the issue of sin, but according to the bible God is Holy and God hates sin.
The normal Christian life is to be one of Victory, but many of God's people are living defeated, worry and anxiety filled lives and the reason is, they have allowed sin to find a lodging place in their hearts.
The remedy for this is the same as it has always been, You must repent.
Repentance will release the power of the blood to cleanse us and bring us back into a relationship of power and authority with God.
Sin is the problem, the blood of Jesus and the grace of God is the cure, and repentance is the way the cure is applied.
Dear Friend of mine
You are suppose to Win.

I just posted this new message on sermon player, I pray that God will use it to bless you and help you stand in your rightful place as a child of God, and experience the victorious life you were created for.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

This Is Just A Test

I am getting ready to add a new sermon to sermon player entitled (this is just a test) but the real emphasis is on the fact that your test is prophetic.
You are not tested in English, to see what you know about arithmetic,
Neither are you tested physically to see what you can do academically.
The point is: Whatever the test is you are facing right now, it is prophesying to you a victory in that area, all that you have to do is remain faithful, don't faint and in due season you will reap.

Be watching for this powerful life changing message

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Faith Strategy

As I was reading the Story of the taking of Jericho, I realized that God gave to Joshua a faith strategy.
It was already settled before Joshua ever took a step that God had given him the city.
But what was required from Joshua was a faith strategy.
When I say a faith strategy I mean that action which is required on our part to connect the power of God with the problem we are facing.
If you recall the story of Gideon you will remember how the strategy God gave him required him to reduce his army from around 30,000 to 300 men.
Then to stand with clay pitchers in their hand, and a candle inside them and a trumpet in the other hand.
At Gideons command they were to break the pitchers and sound the trumpets.
When they acted on this faith strategy their enemies turned on each other and a great victory was won.
All through the bible we find that there is a faith strategy that must be acted on to release the power of God into your situation.
For a widow woman in the book of kings, it was to gather empty vessels from all over town, then to take a small pot of oil in her belonging, and begin to pour into those empty pots.
Miraculously as she acted on this faith strategy every pot was filled with oil and her need was more than met.
For Joshua it was specific directions, to walk around the city once a day for 6 days, then seven times on the seventh day, especially critical to this process was that the people make no sound with their mouths until the trumpets sounded on the last day.
As the trumpets sounded, the people shouted and the walls fall down flat before them.
I said all that to say this:
I don't know what you may be facing today, but God has already decreed that you will be victorious, but there is one condition ( You must get his faith strategy and you must act in faith on that strategy) and when you do there is no wall, no problem, no giant, nothing that can stand before you.
As you act on that faith strategy you will create the avenue for the power of God to enter that situation and do what is humanly impossible.
So in conclusion:
I don't know what you may be facing, but I know if you will get a faith strategy from God, You will join Joshua and Gideon, and Jehosaphat, and the widow woman and a millions of others who have seen the power of God manifested in their lives, through the activity of faith.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


We just got back from Old Mexico, we had an awesome tent crusade there.
Many miracles and many souls brought into the kingdom.
The power of God moved mightily confirming his word with signs following. It is such a privilege to serve the living God.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Rise up and walk

Acts 3:6-8
6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.
8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

As I read these words the other day I heard the Lord say to me, Thats what I want you to do.
I want you like peter and John to help my people get up and walk.
To sow the word of faith into their hearts.

This blog site exists for that very reason.
Everything I share here will come from that desire.

I want you as a child of God to possess everything that belongs to you.

I want to help you walk into your prosperity, your healing, your deliverance, your joy, your peace.
I have just uploaded a new message to sermon player entitled Rise up and walk.

I believe this message will encourage and empower you to get up from the place you are spiritually speaking, and walk into the new beginning God has for your life.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The flight of the bumblebee

They say: it is impossible (scientifically) impossible for a bumblebee to fly, the biggest and best computers in the world along with the greatest scientific minds all agree (it is aerodynamically impossible for the bumblebee to fly).

It’s wings are too small, it’s body is too big

The only problem is; the bumblebee doesn’t know it can’t fly

It doesn’t know it’s breaking the laws of Aerodynamics, It doesn’t know that its body is too big and it’s wings too small.

In spite of what anyone thinks or says, the bumblebee just keeps on flying because there’s something built into that bumblebee, that God put there, and it tells that bumblebee you can fly.

So in contradiction to every law of nature and the laws of science and Aerodynamics, the Bumblebee refuses to be (limited) to natural laws, and opinions of men, and it just keeps on flying.

I said this to encourage you today to believe God for impossible things in your life, to turn your faith loose, to dare to dream
According to the word of God you cannot dream too big for God
According to the word of God there is no such thing as impossible for God
and when we get hooked up with God, connected with God, then all things become possible for us.

Mt 19:26 With God nothing is impossible,

Mk 9:23 All things are possible to him that believeth

Lu 18: 27 The things which are impossible with men, are possible with God.

Too often we limit God to human agencies

we trust God that we can borrow the money, take out a loan, and that will take care of the problem. Or We trust God that we can go to the doctor and the doctor will take care of the problem. Or the lawyer, or the marriage counselor, or AA or Drug rehab or Anger management classes.

Yes God can and does use human resources and human agencies, but the worst thing we can do is Limit God to the ability of human resources,

Jer 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

So every time your circumstances say (impossible) just remember the Bumblebee and remember "you were created to fly".

Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's worth the fight

Many believers have the attitude that just because they are saved and in the family of God, that now God is supposed to give them everything they ever dreamed of without any effort, or work or discipline on their part.
The fact is, it costs what it costs and it never goes on sale.

Yes God wants to prosper you and bless you, but sometimes you’re going to have to go through something.
Sometimes you have to struggle, Sometimes you have to fight.
There is something in the struggle that is necessary to becoming what God has ordained us to be.

God left giants in the promised land on purpose
#1 Because they needed to learn how to fight
#2 Because giants distinguish the difference between professors and possessors.
It’s one thing to confess the promises of God, it’s another thing to strap on your sword and go toe to toe with your giants and possess your promises.
#3 Giants expose the grasshoppers in the crowd (When giants show up grasshoppers speak up).
Grasshoppers usually blend into their environments but giants uncover them.
Remember that grasshoppers don’t eat grapes, You will never have promise land faith with a grasshopper mentality.
#4 You get to know yourself in the struggle ( the real you comes out under pressure).
#5 You get to know your God, you realize that God is your only help.
#6 You get stronger, you put down roots, you dig into the word and prayer.
#7 You become aware of the excesses and unnecessary things in your life.
#8 The struggle produces thankfulness (example ) someone survives a tornado, their house is gone their car is gone but they are so thankful that they are still alive, the family is together.

When you know you had to fight for what you got:
a.You appreciate it more
b.You won’t let anyone take it from you

#9 Struggles test your level of commitment
The only way to truly gauge your level of commitment is through the struggle

#10 The struggle qualifies you for rest
Mt 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Hebrews 4:11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
#11 The struggle qualifies you for the reward:
David heard them speak of a reward, but he knew the reward was only for the person who would fight and KILL Goliath.
1Sam 17:25 And the men of Israel said, Have ye seen this man that is come up? surely to defy Israel is he come up: and it shall be, that the man who killeth him, the king will enrich him with great riches, and will give him his daughter, and make his father’s house free in Israel.

We should understand that many times the struggle, the fight, the warfare, the praying, the waiting patiently, the enduring, is as important as the blessing or reward
While we are looking at the reward, God is looking at the development that is taking place through the struggle.
Faith is forged in the furnace of adversity